Northumbria University are a leading institution for sport and offers a wide variety of opportunities for students looking to be involved in a quality, competitive programme. This year Northumbria Sport have over 80 teams entered into British Universities and Colleges Sport (BUCS) leagues and competitions.
Northumbria Sport supports around 175 student athletes each year across a range of sports through our tailored sports scholarship programme. Northumbria Sport offer scholarships to support athletes on their dual career journey, enabling them to develop their sporting ability whilst gaining a quality degree!
We understand the demands of being a student athlete and we aim to support you to have a well-rounded approach to life. Our team of professional support staff work together to offer multi-disciplinary support in a high-performance environment. By combining this with additional opportunities within our volunteering, community, and student development programmes we aim to support you to build on your personal skills and profile in preparation for life after university.
Am I eligible to apply for a Sport Scholarship at Northumbria University?
Applicants should ensure you meet the below criteria:
be of academy, national or international standard in your sport or show strong evidence of future outstanding potential
be a home, EU or international student at Northumbria University, Newcastle studying at least 60 credits a year.
Priority is given to Olympic, Paralympic and Commonwealth sports and/or sports within the BUCS programme. Other sports considered on a case-by-case basis.
Please see our current scholarships below. Each award is available to current students and any prosepctive student applying to study at Northumbria University. A selection of the below scholarships are awarded by external parties but housed through Northumbria Sport so please ensure you review the award you are interested in and you meet the criteria before applying.
To express your interest in joining our Sport Scholarship programme, please click into the relevant scholarship below and complete the application form.
The application link will remain open-year round but please ensure you review the specific closing dates to ensure you get your application in on time: