Any finance documents that you may need throughout the season will be listed here. If you have any questions regarding finance, then please get in touch with your Club Development Officer.
Northumbria Sport Payments
The link below will be used by you, to pay Northumbria Sport for things such as entries to one-off events and any fines that players may receive throughout the season:
The link will take you to the relevent page and will advise you on what to do next. Your development officer will be in touch with any outstanding payments that you need to make.
Claiming Back Expenses
The Student Expense Form linked below will be how you claim back any pre-agreed payments from Northumbria Sport. This will include things such as any agreed fuel reimbursments and approved one-off payments. PLEASE NOTE - claims should be made within a month of the event/fixture taking place and if we receive a claim outside of this window, it might be rejected on these grounds.
When submitting the expenses form through the link provided on the document, you will need to ensure that you select your faculty as 'Campus Services' to enable Northumbria Sport to approve your request. You will also need to include yur student sport supervisor - please put this as the member of staff who you agreed your expenses through.
Please note that evidence of expenditure will be required - so keep your receipts as supporting documents!
The following link will take you to the Student Expenses Claim Form: