Expand Your Knowledge
UK Coaching - Duty of Care Badge
The UK Coaching Duty to Care Digital Badge provides clear evidence of your steadfast commitment to the six pillars of Duty to Care. Pass the Knowledge Checks connected to each pillar of learning to test your understanding of the key principles underpinning each pillar, ensuring that you have a clear grasp of all six. The six pillars of Duty to Care are Diversity, Inclusion, Mental Health and Well-Being, Physical Well-Being, Safeguarding and Safe to Practice.
UK Coaching - Mental Health Awareness
Gain the knowledge, skills and confidence to better understand and support people living with mental health problems and create a positive environment that ensures they enjoy the benefits of being active and keep coming back for more.
Enhance Your Communication
Accelerate Sport - Engaging Diverse Communities
During this course you will have the opportunity to consider the diversity of the community within and surrounding your organisation. We’ll consider the following:
- Understand the experiences and barriers to sports participation for people from ethnic minority backgrounds
- Understand why sports organisations need to effectively engage with diverse communities
- Comprehend methods for effective engagement of diverse communities in sport
- Consider the needs of coaches, players, parents, and other key members of diverse communities
- Start preparing an action plan for improvement within your organisation
Accelerate Sport - Challenging Sexism in Sport
The Challenging Sexism in Sport eLearning course will address the different ways that sexism can present itself in society and look at some practical steps you can take to help tackle sexism in your sport. During the course we’ll cover:
- An introduction to sexism
- Developing an understanding of sexism and misogyny
- How to tackle sexism in your sport
- Steps to create an inclusive environment in your club
Develop Your Coaching
UK Coaching - How to: Plan, Coach, Review
Understand the principles behind the foundations of coaching by using a variety of planning techniques, practical coaching tools and learn how to reflect in and on your coaching practice.
UK Coaching - Inclusive Activity Programme
Learn more about the key principles of inclusion in sport and physical activity for people with disabilities. Understand the benefits of being active and recognise potential participation barriers for disabled people. Explore what makes a good, inclusive deliverer. Develop an understanding of different inclusive approaches. And learn about the importance of inclusive communication.
UK Coaching - Creating a Successful Coaching Environment
Learn about the 3 characteristics of positive and successful coaching environments: the context, the coach and the participant. Equip yourself with practical tools to apply what you’ve learned to your own unique environment.
Bring Health & Safety to Life
UK Coaching - Sudden Cardiac Arrest
Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) could happen to anyone, at any time, with approximately 60,000 SCAs happening within the community every year in the UK. 12 each week are under the age of 35 and only 1 in 10 survive. If effective action is taken within the first minute, this can treble the chances of survival. This eLearning will help you plan and respond appropriately to a SCA.
UK Coaching - Safeguarding Adults
Safeguarding adults is everyone’s responsibility. Learn how you can support and promote the welfare of adults on this online course. By completing this course, you’ll learn how to create a safe environment in which all adults can enjoy sport and physical activity.