Sport Nutrition

In order to achieve peak performance when it matters it is important to understand what to eat and when. Whether it be in training, pre, during or post competition your nutritional intake will play a key part of your ability to work effectively.

The role of our nutritionists is to evaluate the dietary needs of the athlete and provide practical recommendations that will help optimise heath and performance. The nutritionist will assess the current eating habits and preferences and highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the athletes current nutritional strategy.

Our programme includes

  • One to one consultations
  • Customised dietary recommendations
  • Group workshops including: Introduction to Sports Nutrition, Nutrition for Travel, Shopping tips, Fuel for Performance, Supplement Advice and Practice Cooking Skills


Our practitioners have pulled together a fantastic guide to Sports Nutrition providing you with tips, tricks and ways to stay on top of your game. Take a look at how important Nutrition is as a Student Athlete: Sports Nutrition for New Starters


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