Clean Sport Commitment

All sporting participants have the right to compete in Clean Sport.

Northumbria University adopts the UK Anti-Doping and World Anti- Doping Agency (WADA) position that cheating, including doping, in sport is fundamentally contrary to the spirit of sport, undermining the otherwise positive impact of sport on society.

To this end, Northumbria University commits to support Clean Sport in the UK in the following ways:

  • Northumbria University supports the mission of UK Anti-Doping and WADA in achieving Clean Sport.
  • All athletes are expected to play, train and compete in line with the spirit of sport, including the anti-doping rules.
  • All coaches and athlete support personnel are expected to perform their role in line with the spirit of sport, including the anti-doping rules.
  • Northumbria University is committed to supporting the prevention of doping behaviour in the UK in collaboration with other sporting bodies
  • Employed and associated ‘staff’ will not condone, assist or in any way support the use of prohibited substances and methods (unless permitted by a Therapeutic Use Exemption) in any aspects of their work.
  • Breaches of this, or any rules/policies referred to in Northumbria University own code of practice/conduct will be acted upon accordingly.
  • All employed and associated staff will be expected to contact UK Anti-Doping should they become aware of an athlete or NGB member using or considering the usage of a prohibited substance or prohibited method. This contact should be done in confidence on the dedicated confidential Report Doping in Sport line.
  • The Northumbria University will uphold any sanctions placed upon an athlete by UK Anti-Doping or other associated body in accordance with the World Anti-Doping Code.

Our programme includes 

  • Group workshops to on Anti-Doping in sport
  • Supplement and nutritional advice
  • Access to Anti-Doping Educators and Advisors

Useful Links

UK Anti-doping Agency

World Anti-doping Agency

Global Drug Reference Online

Our Commitment

Northumbria University is one of the leading universities for sport in the UK, in performance sport, participation, academic teaching and research.

Northumbria Sport is the competitive arm for University sport and are currently ranked in the top 20 of the British University and College Sport League (BUCS). 

At Northumbria University we offer a number of differing programmes giving students the opportunity to take part in a host of sports on a recreational level to ensure that students have the opportunity to benefit from sport regardless of the level. As part of our Clean Sport campaign we want athletes at all levels to hold the values of clean and fair competition.

Here at Northumbria we are dedicated to offering student athletes the support they need to develop as a student athlete. Our comprehensive support programme offers athletes world-class facilities, coaching, strength & conditioning, physiotherapy, performance analysis, lifestyle support, sport psychology, nutrition support as well as an athlete education programme covering a host of topics including UK Anti-doping. Through this programme we are committed to supporting, promoting and implementing the UK Anti-doping policies at all levels.

Clean Sport underpins the service delivery at Northumbria University. Both coaches and support staff promote athletes to embrace the key vales of Hard work, Determination, Passion, Respect and Integrity.

To talk to an anti-doping advisor at the university contact Tom Robinson, who will be able to support you with anti-doping advice.

Take Responsibility for what goes in your body.


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