![BLOG | Why i'm ditching New Year Resolutions](/uploads/articles/dIdu10iFcQQuJ7_THUMB_5c332ae91eb85-heather-1_5c332ae91ea10.jpg)
As part of our January staff and student blog series, staff member Heather Steel kicks us off by telling us she's had a change of mind, or at least focus, when it comes to New Year resolutions. Heather works as Performance Sport Manager and returned to work (and exercise) from maternity leave in April 2018
I have always been quite motivated so I used to like the idea of setting myself New Year resolutions, new year new things to achieve right? But over the last few years I haven’t felt the same level of motivation to set myself resolutions, that’s why this year I’ve decided to ditch them!
Don’t get me wrong, I still want to achieve things in 2019 but I think there are much better ways to keep the momentum going and get more from that feeling of achievement (which feels great when you do actually achieve something).
So this year I’m doing monthly goals instead of yearly resolutions! If I can achieve at least 3 things a month that make me feel better about myself and really impact on my wellbeing then surely that’s way better than setting a few resolutions that get forgotten about. I’ve already decided they aren’t going to be crazy challenges each month (I might throw one or two into the mix) just more general goals. They are going to be relatively simple and all about being the best version of me. Sounds cheesy I know, but it’s really helped me focus already!
So here’s goes January....
Cook at least twice a week - we eat home cooked meals most nights of the week so this isn’t the issue. The issue is the fact that I don’t often cook them - my lovely partner does the majority of the cooking much to his annoyance. So in January I’m going to try and get my love for cooking back and get my head into those cook books and knock up at least two healthy delights a week.
Run 40 miles - now I know you are probably thinking this sounds a lot and I have just said I was keeping them simple but I enjoy running and have done for a long time. I ran for a local running club and it was just part of who I was. After having my little girl I lost my routine of getting out and running regularly so it’s time to find my running mojo again. If I do 3 runs a week between 3-4 miles I can easily achieve what feels like a mammoth goal. I’ve downloaded Strava (an exercise tracking app) and followed some of my old running friends for motivation and so far so good.
Explore where I live – people are creatures of habit and we all sometimes get a bit repetitive with where we spend our time, what parks we go to, the restaurants we eat in, the bars we drink in. I love the North East and everything about it, the fact we have the vibrant and cultural city of Newcastle that is surround by amazing beaches and countryside makes me want to see and do more. So I’m going to do exactly that! Being outside, active and part of my community will have a massive impact on my health and wellbeing
RED January – If you haven’t heard of it, RED January is a campaign by the charity MIND to encourage people to get active every day in January to beat the blues and raise awareness about the positive impact exercise has on mental health. Myself and some colleagues and friends are making sure we’re active everyday this January – Some days this will be my running but others I will enjoy a beach walk or even 15 minutes of YouTube Yoga! It all helps!
I won’t just stop these things at the end of the month, I am hoping that after having a successful month they will be lifestyle changes that I carry on while trying new things in February. So wish me luck and if all goes well I should technically achieve at least 36 goals this year that all add to a year of wellbeing.
Looking to make some health and wellbeing goals of your own? Why not just set one goal? A walk every lunchtime around campus? Or try a new exercise class for the first time in January?
Get in touch if you’d like to find out ways that we could help too. Northumbria Sport offers a wide range of health and wellbeing activities from gym memberships, sports clubs, walks and challenges to name just a few