Joining us in September? Or returning after a summer of sun? No matter where you are in your University journey, sport is an amazing place to make friends, keep fit and make lasting memories. With that in mind, here are my 8 top tips to get involved in sport and activity.
1. Get Following!
Before you do anything, make sure that you like, follow and subscribe to our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts to keep in the loop and be part of our growing fan base! Search Northumbria Sport.
2. Download our handy App
Search and download ‘Northumbria Sport’ on the App Store or Google Play and make it really easy to book an exercise class, rent a hall or court or, for all our Team Northumbria fans out there, keep up to date with our latest fixtures and results across all our sports.
3. Get the FITNESS membership deal
For just £180 you get access to our 120 Station Fitness Suite, Swimming Pool, Sauna and Steam Room and over 60 Weekly Exercise Classes (all easily bookable on our App). However, the offer doesn’t stop there! By taking advantage of this great deal you’ll also get exclusive bonuses including discounts off CLUB and TEAM memberships, £30 FREE Sports Massage, £30 FREE PT session, £20 FREE Weekend Pass and BUCS Universal Membership – giving you access to over 60 across the country! So whether you’re a seasoned gym goer, a first timer or a pretender who sits in the Sauna like me, our annual offer gives you the best all year price on our fitness facilities.
4. The MUST attend Sport, Health and Wellbeing Fair – 26 September 10-4pm
Even with all our information a push of a button away, sometimes it’s better for a face to face chat and a good old fashioned look around! Here you can check out our diverse mix of clubs and teams as well as meeting the various captains, coaches and everyone involved in making sport the highlight it is at Northumbria University. Even if you think you know which sport you want to participate in, I personally recommend that you to still take a tour of our facilities get signed up to as many trials and tasters as possible – one year I entered Sports faire on the cricket team and left on the boxing team – if I can do it, I know you can too!
5. Join a sports CLUB or TEAM
If you LOVE a sport already or are ready for a completely new challenge, make sure you look out for the trials and tasters for our CLUBS and TEAM. We have 17 Team sports on offer, for students who wish to compete at a higher level through BUCS as well as 35 clubs, offering anything from football, to netball, to Quidditch (for all of you Hufflepuffs out there), so there really is something for everyone! One of the true highlights of our club programme is the intermural campus leagues! We have football (5, 7 and 11 a-side), Futsal, Netball and Rugby so, come on your own, find a team and make new friends or get your pals together, make a team and plan for glory!
6. Keep it casual
We understand that the commitment of weekly sport is a little too much for some people, but don’t think we have forgotten you, as we offer an excellent and accessible ‘just pay as you play’ service in our swimming pool, badminton and squash courts, exercise classes and even some of sports clubs! Even better and new to this year, we are launching our active halls and pop up campus sports!
7. Be Part of the Sporting Community
If you’re like me and are still getting over the realisation that isn’t coming home this summer… why not find a new (and actually successful) team to support! We are very lucky at Northumbria to host an array of spectator friendly events including, Wednesday BUCS fixtures, our annual legacy cup and the BUCS Super Rugby Fridays – where you can grab a pint and watch the best that BUCS has to offer!
8. Plan ahead and volunteer… Impact on your Future now
To quote the Courteeners, ‘you’re not 19 forever’ and eventually we all graduate and enter the scary world of adulthood, jobs and responsibility. It is unfortunate plus I know I it’s something that no student wants to think about, but, let’s be honest, we don’t want all our student debt to be for nothing in the end, do we? Luckily for you, Northumbria Sport, has already started planning your future through its volunteer and internship programme! With over 100 unique volunteer positions and 40 paid internships, you can still involve yourself in sport, learning new skills, as well as receive real experience to enhance the dreaded CV’s!
I cannot tell you enough how right you were to choose Northumbria as a place to study, live and socialise and if you are considering sport as one of the many activities available here, I can promise you that you are about to make another right decision. Please, get involved with our social media pages, download the app, come to sports faire, choose the path that is right for YOU and when you can join us at or countless events throughout the year…. You won’t regret a second of it!